Calculate Altitude and Azimuth of a Star

INPUT: Coordinates of the star, Greenwich Mean Time (UT), location
OUTPUT: Altitude and Azimuth of the star


Right Ascention of Star     Declination of Star (place only positive numbers, southern - negative- values clicking South)
Hour Min Sec              Deg  Min   Sec

Greenwich Mean Time (UT)
Year  Month   Day   Hour  Min   Sec

Latitude and Longitude of the measurement location
Deg min sec
Longitude: Deg min sec

Click on Button:

The Altitude and the Azimuth of the Star:
Altitude:    degrees minutes seconds
Azimuth from North to East (clockwise): degrees minutes seconds
Azimuth from South to West (clockwise): degrees minutes seconds
maxAltitude (where star in South):    degrees minutes seconds

Additional Information:
Julian Day at UT0:
Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST): hours minutes seconds
Local Sidereal Time (LST): hours minutes seconds
Local Hour Angle (LHA) of hours minutes seconds
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) of hours minutes seconds
Sidereal Hour Angle (SHA) of degrees minutes seconds

Mathematical Background of Calculation of a Star's Altitude and Azimuth

Latitude and Longitude using two star's altitude
(Good method,when you see many stars)

Calculate Position from one star's azimuth and altitude
(No so good as two star's altitude method, but
suitable for emergency situations when there is only one star visible)

Navigation, Astronavigation, Positioning, Geodesy

Juhani Kaukoranta, Finland
Last changes 15.10.2022